
Is Your Landscape Maintenance Program Costing You Higher Utility Bills?

Good to Know

Money Saving Advice

May 9, 2012

If you're managing a property or running a business, we know you take costs seriously. As business professionals, so do we.

That's why we want you to know you can bring down the cost of maintaining your landscape and lower your water bill by doing one thing differently.

Let us be responsible for controlling your water.

Here's how.

Conserve LandCare has entered into an exclusive program with a high-tech partner to offer mobile water smart technology guaranteed to reduce water use and cost.  It's a trial program that may qualify you for Coachella Valley Water District rebates and we invite you to participate.

We've made an investment in cloud computing that allows us to control your irrigation by site-specific cellular technology.  This means, your irrigation will have real-time monitoring by weather-based systems that deliver measurable results.  It's smart water technology that's gotten even smarter.

Because it's new, the costs to you are minimal. Even better, the net gain will benefit the bottom line.

If you can save water, reduce demand and produce financial savings as a return on the time you spend with me, then why wouldn't you want to?

Let us show you how.

Contact Jerod Pannell @ 760-250-7646