
Good to Know

Is Nutsedge Driving you Nuts?

Is Nutsedge Driving you Nuts?

What is nutsedge?   Nutsedge is an aggressive and persistent weed found in turfgrass, shrub and flower beds. It grows faster than...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

The Deeper Meaning of Flowers Sure, we all know that red roses symbolize love, daisies suggest innocence and...

Frost Damage

Frost Damage

Today's weather is a stark contrast to summer's sweltering days and warm evenings. Winter is here with cooler days and cold evenings- cold enough...

Toxic Holiday Plants

Toxic Holiday Plants

Christmas time is here again and with this holiday comes beautiful decorations inside and outside. Many of us enjoy decorating our homes for the...

What's Wrong With My Agave?

What's Wrong With My Agave?

Originally from Mexico, the Agave Americana, also known as the century plant, is typically very hardy.  It can live from 10 - 30 years; reach...

Mother Nature Strikes

Mother Nature Strikes

  Sunday night’s storm whipped through the desert with fierce winds and rain.  The storm's aftermath spread throughout the Coachella Valley with...

How Big is Your Footprint?

How Big is Your Footprint?

When we think of our footprint we typically think of a temporary picture or impression left behind in the sand or on a wet sidewalk.  Most of...

Get Ready for Annual Color

Get Ready for Annual Color

  What C o l o r to Choose?        It may be August, but it's not too soon to begin thinking about annual...

July is Smart Irrigation Month

July is Smart Irrigation Month

July is traditionally the month of peak water demand in North America.  The Irrigation Association has developed the Smart Irrigation Month...